Trim your instructor's pubic hair, examine her posterior, get expelled and lose about $10,000: that's the curriculum for one beauty school, according to former students and employees.
A beauty school teacher allegedly forced students to cut her pubic hair with trimmers that were later used on customers. She also exposed her buttocks and asked students to examine her boil to see if it could be removed. For such inappropriate behavior, the school charged $9,950 and expelled "nearly all of the students" without a refund.
Seventeen female plaintiffs have slapped beauty school owners Douglas and Barbara Daughenbaugh with a federal lawsuit Tuesday.
The women accuse Dahl's College of Beauty in Great Falls, Mont., of not addressing sexual harassment charges and unjustly taking their money, reports the Courthouse News Service. They seek punitive damages for unjust enrichment, unfair trade, wrongful discharge, breach of contract and sexual harassment.
"Defendants have established Dahl's as a subterfuge," the lawsuit said, "to accept tuition and fees and federal student financial aid from students while not providing an education, resulting in substantial profits and ill-gotten gains to Defendants."
The complaint also condemned the instructor for making sexually explicit remarks, belittling the students and using vulgar language.
Aside from the obscene language and bizarre demands, the instructors allegedly neglected teaching duties to sleep, surf the Web and conduct personal affairs. They would supposedly relegate their responsibilities to unlicensed students.
Perhaps the oddest part of the complaint involved the instructor's alleged indecent exposure: "Among the offensive and unwelcome conduct included, inter alia [among other things], the instructor publicly exposing her genitals, exposing her buttocks and requesting that students examine a boil to see if it could be extracted, requiring students to wax her pubic hair, using a student's trimmers and wax stick to trim and wax her pubic hair that were, upon information and belief, then used on customer haircuts."
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