Thursday, February 16, 2012

Woman 'tried to stab boyfriend after he forgot to buy Valentine's Day present

Woman 'tried to stab boyfriend after he forgot to buy Valentine's Day present'

It's not unheard of for a woman to get touchy if her partner doesn't bring home anything on Valentine's Day.

But instead of sending her boyfriend to the doghouse for a week after he forgot to get her a gift, Kierra Reed reached for a kitchen knife and said she planned to cut him, according to police.

Henry E. Brown fled and shut himself in a bedroom at her apartment in Cincinnati, Ohio, as his girlfriend slashed the door trying to reach him.

Just before midnight Reed, 22, and her boyfriend started fighting because Brown didn't buy her anything for Valentine's Day.

Reed started pushing and scratching Brown, according to police.

That's when Brown ran to the bedroom.

Furious, Reed said she was going to cut him and then threatened to kill him.

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